Sunday, August 12, 2012

I do exist!

Of all the pictures I have of Henry, there are only a hand full that I am actually in.   Like most moms, I control the camera.  Also, like many people with a weight problem I'm very picky on pictures that are taken of me.   I realize there is only so much one can do to only capture a single chin on my face.  If you are to take a photograph of me, under no circumstances are you to take a profile shot....or a shot of my ass...or one of me eating anything EVER.   With all these rules it makes perfect sense that most people just avoid taking photographs of me.  I honestly don't mind.   However I realize that Henry probably will want pictures that have me in them, no matter what I look like.   I mean, I have pictures with my mom with a 1980's gymnastic perm and besides a bit of a giggle about the perm, it's just a picture of my mom that I'm glad I have.

So double chins and big asses and the fact that I'm convinced I've developed rosacea over the last 5 years be damned, I've relented to some of the following photographs.
 This one makes me concerned because my roots are showing.  Great angle for chins though.

You know, Henry could have had the decency to smile instead of being obsessed with the sand.

Chin hiding.  Henry is obviously not happy about that.

Perhaps Henry just doesn't like being in the same picture with me.


Yes, I'm red.  I'm very red.  See?  I have Rosacea...or I'm just really warm and sun burnt.  But hey!  At least Henry doesn't look grumpy.


  1. Oh Ms lady thang, I hear you, I am the same way with pics, and a new mom dealing with weight issues. I've relented to some pics of me being taken for the same reason...the little guy will probably want to remember me...I hope!
    Thanks for being brave, you're beautiful, by the way. We can always get fit, but the happiness evident on your face in these pics can't be faked. That's what your little guy will remember.


    1. ME: Thanks for the kind words and support! :-) And you know, worse case scenario, there's always photoshop for those really fat pics I have of me. Ha ha!
