Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The light! The light!

Because we are so far north here in the UK, our daylight hours are extremely different season to season.  In the winter time the sun only comes up between 9 AM and 3 PM.  On the flip-side of that, in the summer, it is bright out (when it isn't fucking raining!!) between 4 AM and 11 PM.  

While Henry is typically really good at having a nap during the day whether the sun is shining or not, at night he likes it dark.  Of course this has resulted in later bedtimes since summer hit (which means later drinking times for his parents.   Boo).  He is tired no matter what the sun is trying to say so sometimes he sleeps like this:

Yes, Social Services, I did verify he could still breathe.

Seeing him like this gives me a bit of a glimpse of what his teenage years are going to be like.  

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Love it. The kid knows what he needs, eh?

